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Wooden Veil / Wooden Veil (LP盤)

型番 LA-22687
販売価格 3,000円(税込)

芸者の半玉から音楽アーティスト活動まで多岐にわたる特異な世界観を展開する写真家としても有名な花代、Marcel Türkowsky(マルセル・トゥルコウスキー)、伝説のクラウトロックバンドLustfaustのメンバーDominik Noé(ドミニク・ノエ)、Christopher Kline(クリストファー・クライン/valkenburg hermitage、night music、soft peace)、Jan Pfeiffer(ヤン・ファイファー/songs for rocks、soft peace、purple)によるバンドWooden Veilの、メンバーそれぞれの故郷に共通する悪夢や幽霊のようなものにインスパイアされたという、2009年に独Dekorderからリリースされた唯一作!!! デッドストック発掘入荷です!

Wooden Veil is a Berlin-based art group formed in 2007. Inspired by the shared hauntedness of their respective homelands, they combine elements from forgotten and misremembered traditions to create a microcosmic world which only Wooden Veil inhabits, complete with its own symbols, clothing, food and shelters. Performances, installations and videos are characterized by an expansive wardrobe of ritual dress, and the creation of shrines, relics and talismans used to create music.

The group consists of artists Marcel Türkowsky (also a composer, founder of Snake Figures Arkestra, Cones, Uuhuu, collaborations with Datashock and Christoph Heemann), Hanayo (known for her solo work as a photographer and singer, collaborating with the likes of Christoph Schlingensief, Merzbow, Red Crayola, and Kai Althoff), Christopher Kline (Valkenburg Hermitage, †, Night Music, and Soft Peace), Dominik Noé (member of krautrock legends Lustfaust), and Jan Pfeiffer (Songs For Rocks, Soft Peace, Purple).

To understand:

Hold right hand, cupped near right ear; turn hand back and forth slightly with wrist. Bring left hand to opposite eye with the second finger pointing in the direction one is looking. With index and thumb of right hand, form an incomplete circle, space of one inch between tips; hold hand towards the earth, then move it in a curve across the heavens and back toward the horizon.

Side A
1. Red Sky
2. Shiverings
3. Moon and Hamburg
4. Gravity Problems
5. Wooden People

Side B
1. Red Desert
2. Bird Shaped
3. Gloom Across the Ice
4. Ying Liss

Label:Dekorder (GER)

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