フランスの気鋭レーベルLE SAULEからの諸作で注目されるフランス人女性シンガーのレオノール・ブーランジェと、イラン人ミュージシャンのMaam-Li Meratiによる“ペルシャ音楽”プロジェクトLA MAISON d'AMOURの、『伝統の再生に果敢に挑み無時代的な音波動を記録』した、今最もNOWいセンスだと思われる2枚組10インチ盤が登場!!! 現代的クリアーな空気感でアナログ盤の豊かさを確認させる素晴らしい音質、いつの時代に作られたものなのか分からない錯覚を促すアートワーク&質感と、アナログ盤の魅力がたーんと詰まった出来上がりに唸るしかない珠玉の逸品!!! ハイ・センス・クオリティー度高し! Leonore Boulanger and Maam-Li Merati met each other in Paris in 2011 at a concert of Azerbaijani Master-Musician Alim Qasimov and his daughter Ferghana Qasimova. Maam-Li Merati is an Iranian musician that was born in Kermanshah, near the Iraqi border. In addition to having a Doctor in Musicology, he has worked with artists such as Iranian singer Shahram Nazeri and French novelist and Luis Bunuel's screenwriter Jean-Claude Carriere (for a project devoted to 13 th century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi). Shortly after their meeting, Maam-Li Merati started to teach the art of Persian classical music to Leonore Boulanger, a young French musician that released three albums on the multi-faceted label Le Saule. During the spring of 2015 they recorded some first lyrical odes, some dastgahs for two voices and traditional string instruments that would later become the sides A and C of the La Maison d'amour double ten inch on Okraina. Later, Matthieu Ferrandez, church organist and researcher in electronic music, joined them for sides B and D weaving a cosmic lace, with the sighs of harmonium and acoustic organs. "You, you traded me for nothing Me, I still choose that I wouldn't trade a single hair yours for the entire world" Saadi Shirazi (13th century) In the ancient modes of the Radif - a repertoire classified during the Qajar dynasty between 1840 and 1920 - the love poetry of the 13th and 14th century is replayed, brought back to life. (OKRAINA RECORDS) Format:10" LP×2 Label:OKRAINA (BEL)