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型番 LA-22765
販売価格 3,580円(税込)

70年代初頭から実験音楽/フリー・ミュージックを実践するLAFMS(LOS ANGELS FREE MUSIC SOCIETY)の創立メンバー、Rick Potts(リック・ポッツ)の50年に渡る活動音源から、歌モノのニューウェーブ/アートロック、より抽象的なループベースのノイズ、ミュータント・ディスコ等、レア音源や未発表音源を2枚のCDに編集した、イメージの源泉的な大スイセン内容作!!! 自身によるアートとメモを掲載した12ページブックレット付き! 以下にリック・ポッツさんのコメントを付け加えておきます。


"When I was a teenager I discovered research that the brain had two separate parts, a logical left side and a creative right side. I decided that the left, the logical, rational, critical side was filtering out too much of the right side's intuitive brilliance and cancelling out thoughts before I was aware of them. I wanted to tap into those discarded ideas so I developed ways to avoid the editing that the left side was doing to the right side's mysterious stream of consciousness. Spontaneity and improvisation in the early days of the LAFMS was one way. Making drawings without planning them sometimes brought surprising results. Creatures emerged before my eyes one shape at a time. I practiced speaking backwards, wrote the first thing that popped into my mind and spoke before I knew what I was saying. Experimenting with freeing myself from the critical inner voice let magical things happen. Creating this way puts me into a zone that feels like a high and it's addictive. It feels best when I don't know what I'm doing but I do it anyway. For me, reason is unreasonable."
(Rick Potts)

Rick Potts is a founding LAFMS member, active in experimental music since the early 70's, and enormously influential on five decades worth of musical practitioners with a penchant for outer/freakdom sounds. Don't Think is a 2CD compilation of rare and unreleased recordings, spanning 37 tracks and 2.5 hours, and covering the entire range of Potts' musical output - from song-based new wave/art rock to more abstract loop-based noise (note the lowercase 'n') and mutant disco (disco of the Dennis Duck variety that is). Also included is a 12 page booklet of art and notes.
(Krim Kram)

Disc 1
1. Don't Think
2. Funny Letter
3. Ode To Archeopterx
4. Phlegathon Drums
5. Autobody Experience
6. Squirrel-Proof Man
7. Bats
8. Loogie's Cloud Balloon
9. Malathion L.A.
10. Pretty Bird
11. Rats In Reverse
12. Parasitic Twin
13. Orchestrion Parade
14. Fantasy On Ice
15. Go Existential!
16. Metro Rail
17. O.K. (Saw Version)
18. How Vile Is My Greeny Pts. 1 & 2
19. Jungle Inspector
20. Ain't Life Grand
21. Yet To Appear
22. Sprout Mountain

Disc 2
1. Suspicious Stools
2. Intensive Carousel
3. Art Forms In Nature
4. The Syncopated Cat
5. Ammonia Collins
6. Prunella Vulgarus
7. Boris Zircon
8. Ragtime Family
9. Coyote Squash
10. March Forth
11. Latin Fodder
12. Kasper
13. Flying Ointment
14. Legumaphobia
15. The Larvette Crawl

Label:Krim Kram (IRL)


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