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The San Lucas Band / La Voz de Las Cumbres (Music Of Guatemala)

型番 LA-23490
販売価格 3,180円(税込)

古代マヤ文明発祥の地であるグアテマラのサン・ルーカス・トリマンという山村にて、葬送曲や地元の行事の時に演奏していたというバンド、The San Lucas Bandによる1974年録音の音源!!! ガタガタ〜フラフラとヨタつく独特のタイム感で演奏される人懐っこい特殊音楽は、ジョン・ハッセルやチャーリー・ヘイデンにも愛聴されていたらしい。当店的には、Maher Shalal Hash Bazファンにも是非ともお試し頂きたいオススメ盤!


First reissue of these cult 1974 recordings of a Mayan brass band playing funeral dirges and popular songs in its distinctive extended harmonic and rhythmic style. The members of the San Lucas Band lived in the mountain village of San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala, playing local events of both religious and social nature. The pride of its town since 1922, the band represented a fast-disappearing musical tradition when these recordings were originally released in 1975. Its unique sound derived from an unusual combination of instruments, a repertoire including pieces dating from more than fifty years before the recordings were made to more recent ones, and above all from the highland Maya style of its playing, which is characterized by a preference for freer rhythmic structures and a wider variety of pitches than Western scales allow. One of Jon Hassell and Charlie Haden's favorite records, it was nominated for a Grammy Award upon first release and has remained much beloved by a small community of enthusiasts for decades. A profound and rewarding musical experience for all adventurous listeners, notably fans of Albert Ayler, microtonal and raw cosmic music.

Side 1
1. Marcha número cuatro (March Number Four)
2. Marcha número tres (March Number Three)
3. Marcha número seis (March Number Six)

Side 2
1. Chufa (The Chuj)
2. El son de los altos (The Son from the Mountain Tops)
3. Las tres botellas (The Three Bottles)
4. La chirimía (The Chirimía)
5. Noches eternas (Eternal Nights)

Recorded in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala in 1974 by Kathryn King and Linda O'Brien
Originally released in 1975

Reissue produced by Vincent de Roguin, Kathryn King, and Linda O'Brien-Rothe

Notes by Linda O'Brien-Rothe
Audio transfer by Scott Hull
Audio restoration and mastering by Timothy Stollenwerk
Design by Xavier Robel and Vincent de Roguin

Front cover band photo by James McCormac
Insert photos by Kathryn King and Linda O'Brien


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