世界各国のレイヴパーティーやフェスを飛び回り、自身のYouTubeチャンネル「HENTAI TV」でもシーンの状況をリアルタイムで発信し続ける(当店にも時々取材をしに訪れます!)、絶好調のヘンタイカメラマン♡がインド・ボンベイのサイケデリックトランスレーベルPralayah Recordsから2024年にリリースしたアルバム! お馴染みのYOU THE ROCK☆やTADAYAN、ブラジルのDel Torto、ニュージーランドのSimiantics等が参加したトラック等、全10曲を収録したヘンカメにしか出来ない強力Psy-Trance!!! 変マークをプリントしたスリップケース仕様で、レンチキュラー印刷のアートワークとレーベルロゴステッカー付き! Hentaicameraman - Make Goa Hentai Again Pralayah Records Greetings world ! We're sending out warm wishes for a fantastic Independence Day to our amazing Indian family, whether you're in India or across the globe. To mark this special day, we're thrilled to present a wonderfully crafted tale by the super skilled Japanese duo, Hentaicameraman. The album 'Make Goa Hentai Again' truly captures the timeless essence of love, showing us how music can bring us together and fill our hearts with joy. So, let's embrace this freedom, let loose, and just go with the flow like water in this vast endless universe. "Make Goa Hentai Again" is a true masterpiece by these creative geniuses who belong to the dancefloor, but work tirelessly behind the scenes in their studios to create unforgettable moments for us all. Wherever life leads you, enjoy the ride, stay cheerful, and keep on shining bright! (Pralayah Records) 1. INTO KM9.THE ROCK WITH YOU 2. PARVATI CALLING 3. HENTAIYAN WITH TADAYAN 4. DREAM BEACH 5. 25 CLUB 6. TOKYO TOWER NIGHT BASE 7. TECHNO BOYGER 8. NAKED DIRECTOR DEL TORTO AND HCM 9. CLOUD SHIP 10. THE SKY 君がいるから WITH SIMIANTICS All tracks written and produced by AKIRA & NOBU artwork by Shiho the rock edit by Emo Kojima Mastered by Tim Schuldt, 4cn-studios Format:CD Label:Pralayah (IND)