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TORSO / SET OUT (2024年リイシューカセット版)

型番 LA-23714
販売価格 1,430円(税込)

GROUPのサックスプレーヤーとしての活動や様々なバンドのサポートとして活動中するKENJI(Flute, Sax etc)と、妻のORIE(Cello, Voice, etc)による夫婦ユニットTORSOが自身のレーベルOZATO RECORDから2019年にリリースした1stアルバム「SET OUT」が、チェコのレーベルSTONED TO DEATHから限定80本のカセット版で2024年リイシュー! ムーンドッグアーサー・ラッセル等の弦楽ものなどにピンときている方は必聴といえる、気持ちが安堵するオススメ内容作! エンジニアはJoe Talia、マスタリングはLachlan Carrick、ジャケットのイラストレーションは中原昌也(ヘア・スタイリスティックス)によるものです。

What a day to put this record out into the world again. Ever since 4am today (thursday 12th Sept), Czech Republic is just getting hit with heavy rains which are set to last till early Monday morning. In total there could be gross of 200 - 400 mm rainfalls and some strong local floods are expected. Indeed, things could be much worse than this, but what a rude entry of early fall, right? Raindrops are beating my windows, my knees are getting cold since I did not adjust to cold weather and long pants are still not part of my gear and little man in me is thinking about putting our fireplace back in business. What keeps me cozy today is coffee and this album Torso, which is just the ideal autumn soundtrack. Or at least for those kind moments of autumn when rays of sun can still penetrate progressively darker clouds and we are still days or weeks away from rotting winter.

Torso is a Japanese multi-instrumentalist duo of Orie and Kenji. Based in Tokyo, they create moody and minimalist chamber music with instrumentation mostly rooted around cello and flute (with occasional additions of piano or sax). Instruments are played clean here, no effects or manipulations, just pure stream of contemporary-classic informed by moods derived from film music, new age or post-minimalism. One can find reflections of very early scores by Alexander Desplat, Vladimir Cosma, perhaps some more romantic compositions by Michael Nyman, we can even venture as far as compartions to some home recordings and less distorted / psychedelic tracks by Arthur Russell (Another Thought) or Devin Hoff's excellent album Solo Bass (2008).

Set Out is their debut album, originally self-released (on their own label Ozato) five years ago on vinyl. This is a re-edition released by Stoned to Death (catalogue number n°189) in edition of 80 audio cassettes.

Very new album by Torso "Water Curve" is coming out these days as well, see ozatorecord.com/torso/ for more info.

Side A
1. toes
2. em
3. bow
4. apart

Side B
1. salt water
2. fruits
3. body farm
4. san

Kenji (Flute, Sax)
Orie (Cello, Voice, Piano)

Engineered by Joe Talia
Mastering by Lachlan Carrick
Illustration by Masaya Nakahara



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