Class of 69 / Rose poussiere
フランスのユニークな雑食性アンダーグラウンド・レーベルScum Yr Earthから2017年にリリースされた、Class of 69によるサイキック・エクスペリメンタル・ドローンなオススメ・カセット作! このレーベルは、どれも少数限定コピーですが、どれもオモシロいです! This one is dedicated to Jacques Noel. Jacques was our friend. I clearly recall the first time he put one of my cassette in the Regard Moderne window, I felt "that's it, you've made it; you can stop now". This might sound like limited ambition compared to "play the Carnegie Hall", but actually, it's the playing at the Carnegie Hall that's got to be measured to having your work in the window of the Regard Moderne. I've never discussed this with Joseph and Stephane, but I'm pretty certain they felt the same way at some point. So, this one is "for" Jacques, but you can consider that all we ever did was for him. He's been our number one fan since day one. All our cassettes have always been available at the Regard Moderne first. If you think that this is too whiny for your taste, please stop reading, we don't care: this is not for you, this is for Jacques. (SCUM YR EARTH) Face A 1. Rose 2. Rose poussiere Face B 1. Poussiere Format:TAPE Label:SCUM YR EARTH (FRA)