インド洋に浮かぶアフリカの離島が生んだクレオール・ミュージックの単独作/コンピレーションから、新進気鋭の現行ユニットまでリリースするスイスの見逃せないレーベルBONGO JOEより、パナマ生まれでコスタリカで育った、スミソニアン・フォークウェイズからもリリース経験のある激ゆる〜〜〜カリプソ・シンガーソングライター、ウォルター・ファーガソンが70年代に録音したというテープ音源の第二弾が登場!!! ニワトリがのどかに鳴いたりと微笑ましい空気感そのままに、フガフガ&モゴモゴとのんびりと歌っております。当店のアイドルの一人、ジョセフ・スペンス好きには是非ともお試し頂きたい人物! グッとくるデザインもまた素敵〜♪ 100-year-old Walter Gavitt Ferguson from Costa Rica is a living legend, a Calypsonian of mythical proportions. Rooted like an old tree on the caribbean shore, he has never left his home town to look for fame, instead fame came looking for him. Throughout eight decades his musical gifts have attracted people from near and far, contesting Calypsonians, travellers, musicologists, musicians, pilgrims and the president of the Republic. They once even moved a recording studio to his house, as he refused to go to the city. But many years before that, Ferguson used to sell his legendary self recorded cassettes to travellers and music lovers from all around the globe. He never kept a copy and with age startet to forget many of old compositions. A recently started, international „Tape Hunt“ was able to locate more than 25 such tapes in Canada, Costa Rica and the United States and rescued 60 of his forgotten songs. Vol. 2 of this tropical treasure is now available, resurrected directly from original cassettes of the Calypso King. (BONGO JOE) Side A 1. INTRO 2. ONE PANTS TEARING OFF 3. LOCK UP ME NEIGHBOUR 4. HOORAH FOR PAULA 5. ALL GOING UP TO GLORY 6. GAL MUST TAKE ME FOR A FOOL Side B 1. ROBERTO TOUR 2. NOT A PUGILIST 3. YOU CANNOT BATHE A PUSS 4. I AM THE KING OF CALYPSO Format:LP Label:BONGO JOE (CHE)