フランスのユニークな雑食性アンダーグラウンド・レーベルSCUM YR EARTHから2017年にリリースされた、ノイズ・ミュージックの中でも最も音響的に極端かつ過激なスタイルとして世界的なムーブメントを巻き起こしたHNW=HARSH NOISE WALLの提唱者であり象徴であるVOMIR(ヴォミール)と、先の展開の読めないコンクレート作家COLIQUEによるスプリット・カセット!!! このレーベルは、どれも少数限定コピーですが、どれもオモシロいです! I'm 100% convinced that in the future, cOLiQue's music will be studied in conservatories. It is one of our greatest pride to have provided the world with cOLiQue's first album. As it was his first release, Alex hadn't decided on a name for his music project. That took some time, and ended up with the very marketing oriented name cOLiQue. Let's just say that it's a good thing no-one took a picture of my face when I learned about it. I did everything I could to convince him to change it. My main concern was that the name recalled Romain Perrot's harsh noise wall project Vomir, and, as the music sounded nothing like it, could be misleading. At some point I asked Alex "If you do a duo with Vomir, what will you call yourself? Gastro?" (the joke only works in French, sorry). Alex couldn't care less about my desperate attempts to change his mind. As you should all be aware of by now, the cOLiQue cassette turned out to be a huge success. Not a week passes without someone thanking me for issuing it and letting Alex music into their life. And of course, no-one cares about the name. Reminiscing on it, I remembered that Vomir / cOLiQue / Gastro joke, and thought... mmm what if? We proposed a split cassette to Romain and Alex, they were both excited by the idea, et voila. Sorry future music students, but yes: that story and full translation of the joke will be included in the exams. (SCUM YR EARTH) Format:TAPE Label:SCUM YR EARTH (FRA)