2023年を迎えて新型コロナ感染対策の行動制限が緩くなって、海外からの常連のお客さん達もゾクゾクとご来店されているのですが、フランス地下シーンNOWを店頭に届けてくれていたバチスさん配給のカセットも再開!!! こちらは、SCUM YR EARTHから2022年にリリースされた、フランスの電子音楽家でSurf break up等にも参加するBenoit de Villeneuve(ブノワ・ド・ヴィルヌーヴ)が2021年のコロナ渦に、ジョアン・セーザル・モンテイロの映画「Silvestre(シルヴェストレ)」の影響を受けて制作したという秀逸ドリーミー・アンビエント作! NOW I AM ALONE BEFORE THE STARS by VILLENEUVE This one went from "let's do a cassette with all your first steps with a modular synth" to "oops! I think you did another classic" in a couple of weeks. My memory of it is that after some medical trouble, I spent a part of 2021 recovering at home. At some point, I realized that all I was doing was eating and sleeping. So, I started to walk, every day. It's a twenty minute walk between my appartement and the park Montsouris. During those walks, I mostly listened to Benoît's music. I followed the progress, took notes, suggestions to feed-back in the evening and get a new version in the morning. It maybe did not happened that fast, and I'm certainly giving me more credit than I deserve but trust me: it is a very different album than when we started. The final version arrived on Easter day. I did my daily walk to the park, it was unusually cold, and by the time I entered the park, the snow started to fall. It was totally unexpected: it now rarely snows over here, especially not that late in the season. It lasted less than half an hour, but was locally massive. An 'Anna's song' moment, sound tracked by Benoît. Every time I think of this album, I see children running wild, trying to catch the biggest snowflake. (SCUM YR EARTH) Face A 1. BEFORE 2. STARS 3. NOW 4. I Face B 1. ALONE 2. AM 3. THE 4. NOW I AM ALONE BEFORE THE STARS Live - Studio recordings, using a modular system, under the influence of "Silvestre", Joao Cesar Monteiro. Format:TAPE Label:SCUM YR EARTH (FRA)