Dennis Tyfus / Wefex spway
とにかく変なものばかりを少数限定リリースするベルギーのULTRA ECZEMAからの256ページにも渡る衝動アート・ブック!!! 限定500部。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― a collection of drawings, collages, paintings, photographs, spit-and ink work, and found images in both colour and black and white by Dennis Tyfus including a text by Wim Van Mulders. This 256 page book was made in conjunction with the "Relax most of your muscles" exhibition, at Be Part in Waregem. It contains a handful of these works which where presented in the exhibition, however most were made solely for this publication. limited to 500 copies Format:ART BOOK Label:ULTRA ECZEMA (BEL)