Leandro Barzabal / Bris de cloture
2023年を迎えて新型コロナ感染対策の行動制限が緩くなって、海外からの常連のお客さん達もゾクゾクとご来店されているのですが、フランス地下シーンNOWを店頭に届けてくれていたバチスさん配給のカセットも再開!!! こちらは2022年にSCUM YR EARTHからリリースされた、Leandro Barzabal(レアンドロ・バルザバル)によるLo-Fiエレクトロ・アコースティック作!!! マスタリングはLasse Marhaug(ラッセ・マーハウグ)が担当! Bris de clôture by Leandro Barzabal Leandro contacted me through bandcamp, asking if I'd be interested to listen to his music. I did my 'grumpy as hell after several weeks' answer to discourage him, something along the line of "only new music please, I'm not interested if you have 10 albums that have been sleeping on line for five years". That did not discourage him at all, nothing does. There's a lion tamer inside of him. Let me tell you about the first time that I saw him play: January 2020, les Nautes, a Friday night. Everyone was smoking/drinking outside between the gigs. A noise was heard, but no one took much notice. The noises kept on going, the next concert had started, only with the PA placed outside. Leandro soon stepped out of the hall, torturing his guitar like his life depended on it. Torturing is not a figure of speech: strongly plugged to the cable with extra duct tape, the guitar strolled down stone stairs, and was dragged on paving stones, then on asphalt, producing the sound track to its martyrdom on the speakers. It was all leading to the obvious: the guitar would end-up in the Seine. It's kinda blurry, but I think Charlotte (see SCUM TAPES 091) stopped him at the last minute. And all the better for it: enough pollution, and fuck the obvious. This concert was history. And the rescued guitar has since found a new home where it's been able to live a quiet and happy life: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4uEj_0XCmU By the way, there is no guitar on this album. Custom build modular synth only. (SCUM YR EARTH) Face A 1. Ajout après coup 2. L'insistance comme méthode pour échapper à la réalité, Première dégradation 3. Orchestral 4. Deuxième dégradation Face B 1. Implantation d'un espace d'expérimentation formelle 2. Deuxième tentative, moins réussie (même argument) (Troisième dégradation) Conçu entre août et novembre 2021 au GRM Parallèle. Mastérisation par Lasse Marhaug. Format:TAPE Label:SCUM YR EARTH (FRA)