日本では、ORGANIC MUSIC主宰Cheeさんのレーベル〈17853〉からの編集盤「WORKS 1976-1981 : SCORREVOLE」にて認知度を広めたイタリアン・エクスペリメンタル最深層音楽家、リッカルド・シニガリアによる1986年作「RIFLESSI」がアナログLP盤で再発!!! エスノ・プリミティヴな世界観をシンセサイザー、コラージュ&フィールド・レコーディングで構成した脳内密林迷宮的世界観は、現実エスケープの仮想アマゾニアを表現している気にさせます! こちらは、通常ブラックビニール盤です。 Riccardo Sinigaglia, with Gabin Dabire and Walter Maioli, made up one third of Futuro Antico - one of the most important collaborations to emerge from the 1970's and 80's Italian avant-garde. The project, whose name literally translates to ancient future, joined traditional sounds and instrumental from around world, with electronic music - the sonic past, present, and future as one. Recorded shortly after the collective's most prolific period and released in 1986, while more singular and more idiosyncratic, Sinigaglia's Riflessi caries these very concerns at its core. Built from field recording, collaged samples, synthesis, and instrumentation - shifting from hypnotic rhythm to radical and displacing structures, it establishes a remarkable link between ancient and non-western musics and efforts emerging from studios like Groupe de Recherches Musicales. A work of staggering rhythm, texture, beauty, Riflessi builds a world with almost no parallel - imbuing electronic music with touch, tactility, and humanity, while sacrificing none its challenges and intellectual heights. Rattling sonorous wonder, emerging for the first time on any format since its original pressing, before us is a historic moment - a lost piece of the puzzle of the wondrous Italian avant-garde. (SOAVE) Side A 1. Riflessi 2. Sezioni Side B 1. Silab 2. Attraverso Format:LP Label:SOAVE (ITA)