アヴァンギャルド・カントリーという特異な位置をほぼ一人で(?)守りきるユージン・チャドボーンが、ジョン・ゾーンやトム・コラ、デヴィッド・リヒトを迎え1980年にPARACHUTE RECORDSからリリースした名作。約27分のボーナス・トラックを加え、2016年にCORBETT vs. DEMPSEYより嬉しい再発!!! パリペキン・レコード〜ロスアプソンで永年密かに愛される人物! One of the absolute essentials of Chadbourne's oeuvre, what he described as "free improvised country & western bebop," featuring his frantic, skewed interpretations of classic songs such as Merle Haggard's "Swingin' Doors," Roger Miller's "The Last Word in Lonesome is Me," and Willie Nelson's "Mr. Record Man," There'll Be No Tears Tonight was recorded in Spring of 1980. It's lineup includes Chadbourne on acoustic and electric guitar and voice, Tom Cora on cello, John Zorn on saxophones, clarinet, and birdcalls, David Licht on percussion, with another set of songs featuring Doctor Chad on electric dobro and singing, with Scott Manring on lap steel and lap dobro, Robbie Link on acoustic bass, Dennis Licht on percussion, and David Licht on drum set. For the guitarist's solo Johnny Paycheck medley alone, this would be worth the price of admission, but the whole show is built on lightning fast juxtaposition and hilarious interjection. Though it was reissued on CD, it's been out of print for years, and here is given the royal treatment, with facsimile repro cover, new photos from the sessions, remastered from original tapes, and an additional 26-minute track titled "Richmond Dobro Massacre." In this deluxe reissue, Tears remains one of the best free song outings ever made and is an absolute must for every home. (CORBETT vs. DEMPSEY) 1. HONEY DON'T 2. DANG ME 3. THE LAST WORD IN LONESOME IS ME 4. I'M THE ONLY HELL MY MAMA EVER RAISED 5. TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT 6. MOTEL TIME AGAIN 7. GEORGIA IN A JUG 8. WINDOW SHOPPING 9. MY HEART WOULD KNOW 10. MR. RECORD MAN 11. JEALOUS LOVING HEART 12. SWINGIN' DOORS 13. THERE'LL BE NO TEARS TONIGHT 14. SET UP TWO GLASSES, JOE 15. RICHMOND DOBRO MASSACRE Format:CD Label:CORBETT vs. DEMPSEY (US)