Linus+Okland/Van Heertum/Zach / mono no aware (LP盤)
この感じを何と説明すれば良いのだろうか? 2017年ベルギー産のバンジョー入りモダン・トラディショナル/エクスペリメンタル・ジャズ系なのですが、録音環境のアンビエンスまで良い塩梅で記録され、とても不思議でマジカルな空気感を醸し出しています!!! Aspen Editiesから店頭直持ち込みのオススメ・アイテム! DLコード付き。 In the greatest happiness there is a hint of sadness, provoked by the sudden realization that the bloom will come to an end, or by the agonizing sweetness of its own beauty. On this album five musicians come together, sometimes as distinct individuals, other times as a lush unison. Though the space occupied by Linus + O/VH/Z is modest, a use is found for every corner and every niche of the sonic room, through a scurrying banjo and a pair of imposing bells, with songlike melodies and resonant strings. The acoustic quintet ventures into measured doses of electronica, without ever letting the music lose focus. (Aspen Edities) Ruben Machtelinckx: guitar, baritone guitar, banjo Thomas Jillings: saxophones, alto clarinet Nils Okland: hardanger fiddle Niels Van Heertum: euphonium, trumpet Ingar Zach: percussion Format:LP Label:Aspen Edities (BEL)