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型番 LA-18345
販売価格 1,300円(税込)
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プッシー・ガロアの最初期メンバーTom Smithが、ダブやヒップホップ・カルチャーに影響を受けて最初に結成したバンドBOAT OF(1979〜1983)のスタジオ/リハーサル/ライブを纏めたレア音源集カセット作!!! この頃から既にトラッシュ・センスが見え隠れする、LAFMS系フリーミュージック・ファンにもトライして頂きたい激内容となっております!

If you're anything like me, you love the sound of a cassette tape being eaten. It's a wonderful sound, isn't it? That unstable glorp is all over this collection of Boat Of's live and rehearsal tracks from 1980 to 1982. "Forbidden Mourning Practice" is of particular interest to me as a fan of Tom Smith's later work with To Live and Shave in LA and Peach of Immortality. Even if you haven't followed Smith's subsequent hyper-dense tape-collage and glam-adjacent rock-like noise explosions, this feral teenage weirdness might still be of interest. The slowly stretched cocktail-jazz warp of "If You'd Like to Nominate Your Boss (Part 5)" is some appreciably woozy ambience. That hors d'oeuvre is followed by chopped-up radio advertisements and pop songs pummeled with stimulant-fueled percussion and hysteresis punctuation on "Worthy of the Lamb"... though once the audience starts clapping at the end of the song (and the band introduces themselves as Ultravox... Smith's sense of humor was recognizable even then) it's clear that the almost-40-year-old recording was changing speed the entire time. "Take Us For Gangsters" is a relatively subdued rumble for shortwave radio before the best track of the album: a live performance of "Miracles of Seed-Faith" showcases Smith's "self-rigged faulty recorder", which lurches violently in tape-speed for the song's duration, as jazz-improv-lineage drums furiously attempt to hold the thing together. More evidence of the age of these source tapes is gloriously apparent on "Bore the Entreaty", in which drums (played by David Gamble of the Method Actors) and Dominique Amet's wordless operatic vocals are coating with a nasty veneer of distortion. The album concludes with what seems to be Tom Smith solo, a live-on-the-radio collage of organ, records and tapes that sounds like inside-out easy-listening music that nicely revisits the light-jazz looping ambience first heard at the beginning of the album.
(Reviewed by Howard Stelzer from Vital Weekly 1142)

Side A
1. "It Don't Mean a Thing Unless it Evades That Swing"
2. If You'd Like to Nominate Your Boss (Pt. 5)
3. Keep Not
4. Worthy of the Lamb

Side B
1. Take Us for Gangsters (rework of 1979 original)
2. Miracles of Seed-Faith (excerpt)
3. Bore the Entreaty
4. End Farce Expelled

Label:777 was 666 (JP)


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