2022年の南アフリカ音楽賞でダブル受賞を果たすなど南アフリカのスターとして急成長中だというMsakiと、ヨハネスブルグのバンドUrban Village、Kelleketla!のメンバーでもあるTubatsi Mpho Moloiのコラボレーションプロジェクトのデビューアルバム! みずみずしいセンスの光るエレクトロニック/アコースティックと二人のヴォーカルに、チェリストのClément Petit(クレマン・プティ)の演奏で、アーサー・ラッセル「WORLD OF ECHO」好きにもトライしてみて欲しいサウンド・メイキング! 仏NØ FØRMAT!から2023年リリース。 Synthetic Hearts MSAKI x TUBATSI With Synthetic Hearts, Tubatsi Mpho Moloi, Msaki and Clément Petit issue an invitation to the listener and lover to journey to another place. Here, hearts, experiences, and sounds meet, shift and evolve across an inventive nine track album. Experimental, playful and complex, the project merges voices, instruments and sounds, across geographies and genres, creating sparse, yet lush atmospherics that spin on the universal themes of love. As skilled musical shapeshifters, Synthetic Hearts melds Msaki and Moloi's folk sensibilities with electronic elements, as Petit teases out distinct textures from his cello across the record. Together, they look inward, in an introspective and conversational project that teases out emotions held within – towards considering what is shared and private in the messiness of our relationships with ourselves and others. On Synthetic Hearts, love, longing, confusion, sorrow, despondency and queries are opened up and negotiated in songs that vibrate with their naked, honest and tender vulnerability. (NØ FØRMAT!) Side A 1. SUBALEKA 3:03 2. MADONNA 3:07 3. ZIBONAKALISE 5:06 4. STAY AS YOU ARE 3:22 Side B 1. KHANYA 3:37 2. COME IN 4:07 3. WINTER IN JULY 2:01 4. HEARTERIES 3:10 5. FIKA 6:22 Format:LP Label:NØ FØRMAT! (FRA)