Daniel Capeille / Alaska Silentscape
2023年を迎えて新型コロナ感染対策の行動制限が緩くなって、海外からの常連のお客さん達もゾクゾクとご来店されているのですが、フランス地下シーンNOWを店頭に届けてくれていたバチスさん配給のカセットも再開!!! こちらは2019年にSCUM YR EARTHからリリースされた、コントラバス奏者だというDaniel Capeille(ダニエル・カペイユ)による、正に「Alaska Silentscape」というタイトル通りにイマジナブルになるサイレントな作品! Daniel Capeille - Alaska Silentscape by Daniel Capeille Didier Capeille is a professional musician, a renowned barrel organ composer and double bass player. When he told to me about his son's project based on silence, I had the feeling that he didn't know what to think of it. I guess an interactive map of Alaska that allows you to listen to a field recording of the selected deserted place isn't what register as "music" to him, whatever that means. Unless you're new to our label, you've figured by now that we never ask ourselves such question and have already guessed what happened next. You're right: I went home, checked the "carte des silences" site, the initial "what if?" turned into "hell yeah!", checked the radio piece Daniel has published, and wrote to propose to issue a cassette. Of silence, yes. Organized as a music album, yes. Daniel wasn't surprised that out of the blue, an overexcited guy he never met or heard of proposed to issue a cassette of his recordings. He's fully aware of the musical quality of the recording he made in Alaska. I've yet to meet Daniel, I'm not sure he's even ever seen a cassette. His music doesn't need notes, or words, or this, so I'll stop and leave you with it. (SCUM YR EARTH) Face A 1. #1 Face B 1. #2 2. #3 Format:TAPE Label:SCUM YR EARTH (FRA)