goat / New Games/Rhythm & Sound (2023年リプレスLP盤)
New Games / Rhythm & Sound goat 2023年リプレス。ジャケット裏面、レーベル面等細部を変更した新装エディション。シュリンク封入+ステッカー貼付け。 西川文章の録音&ミキシング、Rashad Beckerのマスタリング&カッティング、五木田智央の装丁という布陣でおくるミラクル物体。 日野浩志郎=YPYが率いる身体神経系を賭けたリズム・アンサンブル、ゴートの記念すべき初LPは、1st『New Games』と2nd『Rhythm & Sound』のベストパフォーマンスを再編成したもの。彼らは、楽器を発音させる際に生じるノイズ、ミュート音、パルス音で楽曲を制作するが、その表現の性質上、演奏は必然的に身体と神経系を酷使するものとなって演者に地獄のような苦行を課すことになる。この音源にはなりふり構わず演奏に没頭するパフォーマーの切迫感が刻み込まれ、そのヒリヒリした生理状態の波動は明らかに聞く者にも伝わり、精神的な緊張と高揚だけでなく身体的(!)な疲労感すら与えるかもしれない。何はともあれゴートはまずこの1枚から。 2023 repress. New edition (new back cover art & label art). This is the long-awaited, first-ever vinyl release from the Osaka-based band goat. The five tracks are compiled from their debut album "New Games" (2013) and their second album "Rhythm & Sound" (2015). The titles of those releases provide a hint: a sense of joyful play within defined structures, and an emphasis on propulsive pulse and a prioritizing of pure percussive sound over melodic content. With guitar, bass, drums and saxophone, goat create music which is unlike most rock bands, utilizing harmonics outside standard tonality, as well as clever muting, to craft intricate, driven, forceful compositions by Koshiro Hino, aka YPY. goat is currently going through a period of new development and further exploration of intertwining patterns of rhythmic repetition; this compilation is the bedrock. Superbly recorded and mixed by Bunsho Nishikawa, mastered and cut by Rashad Becker, cover art by Tomoo Gokita, this release will be a revelation for your turntable. (EM RECORDS) Side A 1. New Games 2. std Side B 1. Solid Eye 2. Ghosts Part 1 3. On Fire Format:LP Label:EM RECORDS (JP)