ply / Soeurs / feintes
2023年を迎えて新型コロナ感染対策の行動制限が緩くなって、海外からの常連のお客さん達もゾクゾクとご来店されているのですが、フランス地下シーンNOWを店頭に届けてくれていたバチスさん配給のカセットも再開!!! こちらは、SCUM YR EARTHから2020年にリリースされた、Mathias Delplanque(マチアス・デルプランク)とGuillaume Ollendorff(ギヨーム・オレンドルフ)によるエクスペリメンタル・ユニットplyのダークアンビエント2本組カセット! ply - Sœurs / feintes by ply ply operating mode is simple: - spend an awful lot of time producing an album - issue it with a quickly made bonus album that puts the regular album to shame. This time they've been as far as releasing the regular album as the dub album of the dub album. You're not following? Neither do I. Please have a listen, and explain if you catch their drift OK? Sœurs (Side C and D) is an evocation of magic rituals coming before or after an impending doom. It was recorded as a standalone album in Nantes during a two weeks session in September 2018. During spring 2019, at home in Berlin, Guillaume laid the foundations of feintes (Side A and B) by using the separate (and sometimes unused) tracks of Sœurs. Voices and bass were overdubbed in Nantes, in July 2019. It naturally took the first position of what is now a double album. feintes Face A 1. TOMBÉ 2. VERS 3. LE CIEL Face B 1. LA TERRE 2. NE TREMBLE JAMAIS Sœurs Face C 1. C’EST L’HEURE 2. L’ÂGE ADULTE 3. AVEC MOI 4. GRAVITÉ Face D 1. LA TERRE NE TREMBLE JAMAIS 2. ANAGOGIQUE VÖGL 3. TOUT EST POSSIBLE Mathias Delplanque : Bass, electronics, keyboards, percussions, trumpet, editing, mixing, mastering Guillaume Ollendorff : Voice, lyrics, electronics, harmonica, noises, remixing, editing Format:2TAPE Label:SCUM YR EARTH (FRA)